The Moira Shire has put forward an Exprssion of Interest in a Logo Design for our 4 designated  art hubs in the area.
The 4 hubs are Cobram- ART FOR ALL, Nathalia- G.R.A.I.N Store, Yarrawonga- ACROSS THE ARTS and Numurkah-CAN HUB.

Each of these hubs have an individual identity, but they each work together promoting and fuslitating the arts in the Moira Shire.

The design brief was to help establish a logo idenity that is unique to the particular Art Hub itself, but also unites them as a whole when combined together.

Cobram Hub- Arts for All.

Cobram's Art Hub- ARTS FOR ALL.

Taking from Cobram’s points of pride that where established at the begining of the design concept, I wanted to highlight the Mighty Murry River. Not only for Cobram, but for all the Art hubs, as it connects us all. 

I also wanted to create a design that siginified unity. Blended with colours of our local flora and fauna environment, and using tones that refference to the surrounding bushland. I wanted this to translate as a connection of Cobram’s community and the connection to the land.  

Yarrawonga- Across the Arts

Taking from Yarrawonga’s point of pride I have tried to convey the beautiful and unique identifing features of Yarrawonga with the Lake Muwala’s trees. Also the way in which it is done, I wanted the tree’s themselves to be suggestive to human figures.

By doing this I believe the design represent local pride, dedication, and community. I also wanted the design to celebrate cultral dirversity.   

Yarrawonga- Across the Arts
Nathalia-G.R.A.I.N Growing Rural Art In Nathalia.

Nathalia- G.R.A.I.N. Growing Rural Art In Nathalia.

Nathalia G.R.A.I.N Store has a well established story as does Yarrawonga. It was really important to pay respect to this, and what has already been created. I felt it also very important to highlight the uniqueness of the G.R.A.I.N’s Stores begining. 

Through the design, I also want to demonstrate growth and development. 

Numurkah- CAN Hub-Creative Arts Numurkah

Numurkah- CAN Hub- Creative Arts Numurkah

Using Numurkah’s points of prides, I wanted to develope a concept that symbolized participation, encouragement and power. I also wanted to pay respect to the local cultural dirvesity and human individuality. I plan to do this through a well blended, artisitic mulit coloured hand.

From a design perspective, I believe the concept works well as it is clear and crisp, visually balanced and appealing. I also believe it translates well to the local people.

As requested in the design Brief, there are alot of aspects that link the 4 individual Hub Logos together which will help to easily identify them as a group. Being remembered as connected to each other. At the sametime, present well as a singular Logo.